Saturday, September 13, 2008

Summer into Fall

Well, this summer has been great, but I am glad it is over and am really ready for some cooler weather. Me and Miles went to the Botanical Gardens a couple weeks ago. It was fun! I had a lecture to go to for my Botany class and he was sweet enough to drive me there. The flowers were really pretty. This was the best picture I have of us.... Its out of focus, I'll let Miles have credit for that, lol


Here are some random pictures that I have taken this year of my family.

This was Christmas actually....

So serious

I didn't actually take this, I just woke up one morning and it was on my camera.... Unfortunately Randy takes all sorts of gross pictures on my camera(without asking). This is one of the nicer ones. Im pretty sure this is what he needs to do for a living.

Weldon and Duke, see how duke has his paw on Weldon (were pretty sure that duke thinks he's a human) It's so cute!

One morning my mom came and asked me to take a picture of her goat. It had hopped on a shed and was standing on it's hind legs to reach the leaves... goats will do anything for leaves!

1 comment:

Mommy Parr said...

Wow! I can't believe the size of that beaver!